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Supplier information

The following information is provided for our suppliers.





DFARS 252-225: 7009对购买某些含特殊金属物品的限制

Purchased specialty metals and items containing specialty metals shall be in accordance with DFARS 252.225-7009.

DFARS 252.225-7009 (Supplement-Oct 2014)


Government Source Inspection

从供应商发货前需要进行政府货源检验(GSI). Upon receipt of this 采购订单, promptly notify the government representative who normally services your facility to allow for planning GSI.

如果政府代表不正常地为设施提供服务, 向最近的DCMA代表提供一份采购订单副本. 如果无法找到代表或办事处,请通知星际网赌导航公司. buyer immediately.


Quality Management System - General

卖方应保持通过ISO 9001认证的质量管理体系, AS9100, or be approved by a Saab, 公司. Quality representative.


Inspection System

供应商必须维护星际网赌导航公司可接受的检验系统. Quality Assurance



供应商的系统应接受星际网赌导航公司的随机审核和批准. Quality Assurance at all reasonable times for all shifts and locations in which articles are produced under this 采购订单.


Quality Management System - ISO

卖方应保持通过ISO 9001认证的质量管理体系.


Quality Management System - AS9100



Commercial Quality System

供应商 is responsible for performing the necessary 检查s and 测试s to substantiate that the supplies or services furnished under this 采购订单 conform to the catalog/COTS requirements.


Government Quality Assurance

供应商的设施需要政府合同质量保证. Upon receipt of this 采购订单 (PO), the supplier shall notify the government representative who normally services the plant so that appropriate planning for government quality assurance can be accomplished. Upon receipt of this PO, 立即提供一份副本给通常为设施提供服务的政府代表, or, 如果没有, to the nearest Defense Contract Management Agency office (DCMA). 如果无法找到代表或办事处,请通知星际网赌导航公司. buyer immediately.


Certification of Calibration

A Certificate of Calibration from an ISO17025 or ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 accredited institution traceable to NIST shall be furnished with the shipment for each item.


Certificate of Conformance (C of C)

供应给本采购订单(PO)的零件应附有合格证书. Certificates must include the following:

(1) Saab PO Number, PO Line, Part Number, Revision, Description


(3)数量 Shipped

(4) 声明 of Work (SOW) document number (if applicable)





Certificate of Physical and/or Chemical Analysis

Each shipment shall include certificate(s) of compliance to material physical and/or chemical properties and shall reference physical properties and/or chemical composition, lot/batch number, list the parameters 测试ed, and the results obtained. 证书应由负责的供应商代表签字.


Special Process (Non-NADCAP) Certification

每批货物应包括特殊工艺的合格证书.g., 焊接, 钎焊, 电镀, and painting) identifying the process, 零件号, 修订, purchase order number, process specification number, identification of process method used, acceptance criteria, and evidence of acceptance. Certifications must reflect applicable document 修订s. 当零件被序列化时,序列号应出现在证书上。. 证书应由负责的供应商代表签字.


NADCAP Special Process Certification

Only Special Process suppliers approved by NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) shall be used. Each shipment shall include, certification(s) identifying the process, 零件号, 修订, purchase order number, process specification number, identification of process method used, acceptance criteria, and evidence of acceptance. Certifications must reflect applicable document 修订s. 当零件被序列化时,序列号应出现在证书上。. 证书应由负责的供应商代表签字.


Raw Materials Traceability

根据本采购订单生产的所有产品均应可追溯至所使用的原材料. 应要求提供供应商可追溯性记录.



Shelf-life requirements including date of manufacture and useable life shall be marked on each container. Product supplied to Saab, 公司. shall have a minimum of 75% useful shelf life.


Counterfeit Parts Avoidance

Compliance to DFARs 252.246-7007“承包商假冒电子零件检测和避免系统”, AS5553 "Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, 检测, 缓解, 和性格”, and AS6174 "Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Materiel" is required. Components and hardware parts shall be procured only through Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) / Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs) or their franchised dealer or distributors.


(2) Appropriate incoming 检查 测试 methods shall be used to detect potential counterfeit parts and materials.


Part Obsolescence

(1) On a best effort basis, 供应商同意在接受星际网赌导航后进行过时分析, 公司. 采购订单

(2) Supplier shall provide End of Life (EOL) notification, within 30 days of discovery, 当制造商不再生产某种部件或材料时. 目的是让星际网赌导航公司随时了解潜在的部件或材料过时的情况. 供应商应向星际网赌导航提供描述报废/EOL计划的文件. This can include a onetime purchase of all EOL type material, the qualification of an alternate supplier/item, or a re-design of the affected 组装.


Dimensional Inspection Data

(1) Seller shall provide Dimensional Inspection Data with each shipment for goods furnished under this contract showing conformance with 画 and other contract requirements. Data shall consist of records of actual readings taken during in-process and/or final 检查 of each part, with the dimension and its tolerance noted. No out-of-tolerance measurements shall be accepted unless a Saab Supplier Deviation Waiver was processed and accepted by Saab, 公司. Quality Assurance

(2) Seller shall identify the contract number, 零件号, 修订号, and when applicable, serial number on each 检查 data sheet. Each 检查 data sheet shall be signed and dated by the Management Representative responsible for Seller's 检查 activity.


First Article Inspection - AS9102

供应商, in accordance with the la测试 修订 of SAE AS9102, shall conduct a First Article Inspection (FAI). 在表格3中标识每个特征的充气图是优选的. A copy of the FAI shall be included with each shipment.


First Article Inspection - Commercial

A detailed 检查 report containing a record of the actual readings on 100% of all characteristics and notes contained on the 画s must be submitted with the first production lot. The item inspected must be individually bagged/tagged/identified.


印刷电路板/组件(PCB/PCBA), 2级工艺/可接受性要求

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) "unpopulated," shall be in accordance with IPC-A-600, 二班

(2) Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) "populated", shall be in accordance with IPC-A-610, 二班

(3) Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies shall be in accordance with ANSI J-STD-001, 二班


印刷电路板/组件(PCB/PCBA), 3级工艺/可接受性要求

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) "unpopulated," shall be in accordance with IPC-A-600, 3班

(2) Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) "populated", shall be in accordance with IPC-A-610, 3班

(3) Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies shall be in accordance with ANSI J-STD-001, 3班



The following acceptability criteria shall apply:




The following acceptability criteria shall apply:



Saab Source Inspection

星际网赌导航公司将自行决定是否对制造商的工厂进行货源检查. and determined prior to shipment of product. Seller must notify buyer at least 10 calendar days in advance of shipment and provide all required documentation for review. Final Acceptance shall be made at Saab, 公司.


Hazard Materials/Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Prior to shipment to Saab, the supplier shall provide appropriate Safety Data Sheet(s) [SDS] in Global Harmonized System [GHS] format. 另外, items containing hazardous material(s) listed in Appendix A of FED-STD-313 shall be appropriately labeled.

FED-STD-313 (Assist Quick 搜索)


Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESD)

Components on this 采购订单 are susceptible to damage caused by static electricity and are considered electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS). 供应商应按照ANSI/ESD S20标准实施ESD控制程序.20或同等. Component packaging shall be either conductive or static dissipative and shall identify the 组件 as ESDS.



Shipments to Saab, 公司. must be packaged to avoid damage and deterioration and must be shipped to the address specified on the 采购订单 (PO). Packaging shall be in accordance with good commercial practices (Ref: ASTM D3951) unless otherwise specified. The use of foam “peanuts” is discouraged. 压水板应单独包装,以防止在运输过程中损坏. Each box or container, 和装箱单, shall be labeled and have, 至少, the following information:

(1) Part number and 修订

(2) PO number and line Item


(4) Manufacturer’s identification

The Supplier shall assure that devices, 组件, 根据本合同交付的材料不含异物碎片(FOD)。, and shall employ prevention practices to keep FOD, 大或小, from the product and packaging.


MRB的权威 and Supplier Deviation/Waiver Request

供应商 does not have Material Review Board (MRB) authority to accept or repair non-conforming product. Nonconformances on final deliverable product to the purchase order, 画, 规范, or applicable documents must be submitted to Saab on a Supplier Request for Waiver form (SF-0215) through the Saab Buyer for Quality Engineering approval prior to shipment.



Unless otherwise specified on this 采购订单 (PO), 材料审查委员会(MRB)的权力未授予供应商. 所有 decisions to repair or use-as-is, and all standard repair procedures utilized by the supplier in performance of this PO require approval prior to performance.


Serialization of Sensor Systems Assemblies

供应商应为每个交付的采购订单项目分配序列号. 每件物品的序列号应以易读、永久的方式标明. 序列号不得重复,并应提供对材料的审计跟踪, 制造, 组装, 检查, 测试, and certification documents.



功能和/或鉴定测试结果,列出所使用的测试程序, each parameter 测试ed, and actual readings taken during these 测试s are required with the delivery of the material covered by this 采购订单. These reports shall include the following information:


(2) Part Revision

(3) Traceability Identification (Examples include Serial Number, Date Code, Lot/Batch/Heat Number).

测试数据应由供应商保存至少10年, unless otherwise specified.


Fiber Optic Inspection

光纤连接器应按照IPC-A-640在200倍至400倍的放大倍率下进行检查, after final 组装 and acceptance 测试ing, 在装船前. Fiber optic connectors shall be cleaned per IPC-8497-1, 这样可以清除的污染物从端面上被清除. Clean protective caps shall then be applied. Traceable digital 检查 images for each connector on each unit of finished product at no less than 200x magnification shall be provided to Saab, 公司.


Prohibited Materials



Failure Analysis 报告

Supplier shall provide a failure analysis report identifying the failure mode and potential root causes. These reports shall include the following information:


(2) Part Revision

(3) Traceability Identification (Examples include Serial Number, Date Code, Lot/Batch/Heat Number).


Customer Problem Report 采购订单s

Repairs are defined as: Reprocessing of non-conforming product that restores functional conformance only and fails to restore the product to the original product configuration as detailed in the applicable 画s and 规范.

供应商在履行本采购订单过程中使用的所有维修都需要星际网赌导航公司. approval prior to performance.